Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Simple picture with text in Inkscape

 Example of creation of simple image with text in Inkscape

Somebody wanted an image for example of profile page but didn't want to use anything real due possible copyright problems. While most of website owners won't give you a problem for using a print-screen of their website, especially if you give them a credit, your own imae is alway a safer bet.

Your copyright is just yours.

So I took Ikscape, my favorite grahic tool in recent weeks and wrote a short profile page with name, address, etc.

Something like that:

Of course some planning was a must but nothing dramatic. I just had to leave enough space for photo.

You can't have a decent profile without a photo, right?

MM will do just fine.

I took it from Pixabay. This service is exceptional. And their prices are within my budget, too!

Then I just had to insert the photo into written text, resize it and position it and - voila (that's French - and don't ask me what it means because I don't speak French):

If you are curious, here is also a link to the article, where the image is used. Lovely, right?

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